Module 7:

Modern Slavery Statements

Module overview

This module provides an overview of the process of preparing and submitting a Modern Slavery Statement.

Target Audience

It is targeted at the Board, senior management and modern slavery teams tasked with preparing an entity’s Modern Slavery Statement.

Topics covered

> The overall process, key information and stakeholders involved in developing a statement

> The mandatory reporting criteria and what you need to do to comply with each criterion

> The approval and submission process once you have completed your statement


30 minutes


Links to external resources such as reports, websites, videos and databases. Internal documents such as policies, codes of conduct, guidance materials etc can be imbedded in the course.


Module can be made available as SCORM files (RAW files will not be provided) which can be uploaded to your inhouse Learning Management System (LMS). Alternatively we can manage delivery to via our own purpose built LMS

Learning outcomes

Users will understand key aspects of the Australian Modern Slavery Act, requirements for reporting and internal approval processes. You will have the skills and knowledge to prepare a compliant Modern Slavery Statement using examples of leading reporting practices.

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